Intro invention of computer:

Many people from generation to generation, so who is the most famous one? Who can say he or she invented the computer? This question may be the hardest question in history. But there are some people. Who made an important contribution to the development of computer. So let’s take a look at these great scientists and their contribution to the invention of computer.
First invention of computer:

The first actual programmable computer, ENIAC, was invention of computer by John Mauchly and Presper Eckert in 1945.However, it wasn’t until nearly two decades later that computer scientist Grace Hopper discovered an error in its code caused by a moth she named it First-Bug. Since then, scientists have worked tirelessly to improve on their predecessors’ innovations and create even more advanced computing systems. However, none have come close to matching Hopper’s fame; therefore, she’s widely recognized as the First Idea. But what are some other key players in our development as a technologically superior society?
The First Time Through Computers
Early history of computing. from 1900 to 1945 accounts for most of 20th century, involves such people as John von Neumann, Alan Turing, Konrad Zuse and Claude Shannon; also covers pre- invention of computer electronics industry. The first time in through Computers history of computing. from 1945 to 1963 pivotal period for development, featuring advances in hardware and software inventors include Vannevar Bush, J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. The First Time Through Computers: Early history of computing.1963 to 1971 developments in artificial intelligence ( come along with first use of term computer; inventors are people like Marvin Minsky, Ed Feigenbaum and Oliver Selfridge.
Computers Invention Grow:
The first invention of computer. Built in 1822 and called an analytical.It didn’t actually do anything other than demonstrate how a machine could manipulate numbers, which allowed people to dream about what else might be possible. Fast-forward to Ada Lovelace in 1843.Who developed a program for her friend Charles Babbage’s. Analytical engine that was meant to calculate Bernoulli numbers. While it didn’t work at all, she saw potential for programs to process information and reason things out; it was her vision that led to machines like those we use today.
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) became one of the earliest electronic computers. But ENIAC wasn’t very practical because it took up more space than a large room and used more electricity than most buildings had available.
Histroy of computer:

It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly when invention of computer, but most agree that it happened sometime in 1837, when British mathematician Charles Babbage completed work on a computing device called the difference. This contraption was a mechanical computing machine used to tabulate polynomial functions. It couldn’t store data or execute stored programs it had no memory. In other words, it wasn’t really a computer at all. So why then do we consider it one of history’s greatest inventions? Because unlike today’s PCs and laptops which are electronic devices. Can process calculations and arithmetic the difference engine are used gears and accomplish tasks.